This month marks two years since the Edinburgh Tram Inquiry was established. Lord Hardie and the Inquiry team are determined to conduct a thorough, robust and wide-ranging investigation into the reasons behind the delays to the Edinburgh Tram project and cost escalations. This will deliver a report and recommendations to ensure that lessons are learned […]
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Launch of Edinburgh Tram Inquiry website reveals key stages to process
The Rt. Honourable the Lord Hardie, Chairman of the Edinburgh Tram Inquiry has today (11 December) announced the order of events for his investigation into what went wrong with the planning and construction of Edinburgh’s Trams project. The order of events is contained within the official Edinburgh Tram Inquiry website launched today. Announced in June […]

Going statutory
On 7 November 2014 and at the request of The Right Honourable the Lord Hardie, Scottish Ministers decided to convert the Inquiry to a statutory inquiry.